It is my hope to make my dream of hiking the Appalachian Trail in 2027 a reality. Up until now, I have always hiked with my husband, but in 2027 I want to hike the Appalachian Trail as a solo hiker. As long as I can arrange the time off of work, I will be hiking the Appalachian Trail in 2027.
In April 2025, my husband will be hiking the Arizona Trail as a solo hiker. We section hiked the Arizona Trail last year and enjoyed it. He wanted to do a hike that he could pull off this year with time off and something warm. I’m sure he’ll explain more about his reasons in a future blog post. He hasn’t expressed as much interest in doing the Appalachian Trail as I have.
I Want to Join Others On the Appalachian Trail in 2027
There are multiple vlogs each year from people who have hiked the trail. I thoroughly enjoy watching everyone’s story and journey as they have pushed their limits to reach Katahdin. Vlogging has become something that I enjoy doing on the trail, so when my turn comes to hike, I will be vlogging. It is such a great way to document your hike and revisit it later. It is also a great way to show other people, like me, what the trail offers. Every time I watch people on the trail, I get more and more excited about it.
How Am I Saving For The Appalachian Trail?
Why am I thinking about it so early? My planned start is still 2 years away. Well, it is going to be expensive to hike the Appalachian Trail. I am currently working through a budget as if I am going to spend 5.5 months on the trail. My rough estimate for savings in 2 years is $10,000. Some people would say that is about right. Some would say that’s too much. That is $10,000 CDN and I will need to consider what the exchange rate will be when I decide to go. I would like to save more than $10,000 so I have plenty of flexibility with bad weather days or even healing up from who knows what.
I found a plan to save $10,000 in 52 weeks and have started putting money away following this plan with a slight modification. When it wants me to save $150 in one week, I am stretching that amount over two weeks: $75 in week 1 and $75 in week 2. This allows me to extend the plan over 104 weeks and will have $10,000 by the end of February. If I end up with bonus money, I will throw it on there as well.
In a future post, I may share what my budget looks like. It is still a work in progress, but it might be helpful for someone.
Another Way to Fund My Appalachian Trail Hike
A few years ago, I also started writing. I have a pen name and write sweet romance novels & short stories. Think Hallmark movies. Right now, I have two available on Amazon and any sales generated from these will go my Appalachian Trail fund. I am also in the middle of writing another romance involving backpacking near a small town. I’m hoping to release a couple of novels that will not only fund my trip, but can help to bring in more while I am on trail. Every little bit will help.
If you enjoy books and you want to help my Appalachian Trail fund, you can find my books here:

Mountain Getaway by Heather Pine
Get it on Amazon.

Summer at Mirror Lake by Heather Pine
Get it on Amazon.
While I’m Waiting to Hike the Appalachian Trail
I am going to be watching the 2025 and 2026 hikers and continue to capture data on the distances they hiked early on versus later mileage. I’ll definitely be checking what tenting sites look like around the shelters and make note of where I will want to stay. Already, I have downloaded the FarOut App with the Appalachian Trail route. (Yay for Black Friday sales!) I am a geek so I have been creating a spreadsheet with all of information I have gathered so far and, of course, my budget.
2027 might be seem far into the future, but there is so much planning involved that I am happy to have time to save and gather as much information as I can (even if some information will change between now and then.